
This is the first SerboVerb quiz. The quiz consists of ten questions about a series of verbs that you will discover in a funny song!

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Serbian verbs change their forms. This change follows certain criteria and it is called conjugation or verbal inflection. In this post you will find the main features that affect the formation of Serbian verb forms. 

When conjugated, the verb is the main element of a sentence. Its typical purpose is to situate an action, process or state in time, and to provide information on the subject of that action, process or state. 

Each Serbian verb form can carry some of the following information: 

•  person: whether the subject of the verb is the speaker, the interlocutor, or the person or thing spoken about. 

•  number: whether the verb is in the singular or the plural, e.g. whether the subject is the ‘I’ form or the ‘we’ form. 

•  gender: whether the verb is in the masculine, the feminine or the neuter form. •  tense: whether the verb indicates the present, past or future. 

•  mood: whether the verb expresses a statement, a command, a hypothesis or a possibility. 

•  voice: whether the verb indicates that the subject performs or undergoes the action. 

•  affirmation or negation

All Serbian verbs are marked for aspect (whether the verb indicates that duration of a state, action or process is bounded or not). 

Welcome to SerboVerb blog.

SerboVerb is a free application allowing to conjugate thousands of Serbian verbs in a friendly way. Since the verb is the key element of the sentence, conjugating verbs is the core competence you need to build when learning Serbian as a foreign language.

SerboVerb is the best way to learn Serbian verb conjugation!

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