
Rate your knowledge of four main tenses in Serbian: the present tense, the future, the perfect and the conditional. We are sure that this Drag & Drop exercise will allow you to significantly improve the use of these tenses. Any problem with this exercise? Do not worry, our conjugator will gently help you! The activity is conceived by Nataša Spasić !

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The sixth SerboVerb quiz deals, as our Quizzes n°3 and 5, with the distinction between perfective and imperfective aspect. As in the Quiz n°5, only the second person singular of the perfect tense is used, but this time with agreement in the feminine gender. The same aspectual pairs as in the Quiz n° 5 are used!

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The fifth SerboVerb quiz is devoted, as our Quiz n°3, to the distinction between perfective and imperfective aspect, but it is a little bit simpler: only the second person of the perfect tense and the masculine singular are used. In this SerboVerb quiz, you will also learn a series of aspectual pairs.

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